An Introduction to Forensic Genealogy

To locate the rightful heirs to estates nationwide, Kemp and Associates relies on the skill and experience of forensic genealogists. These professionals enable Kemp and Associates to find unknown or missing inheritors.

A forensic discipline is one that uses science and technology to solve mysteries for purposes related to the law. The forensic genealogist's job is to apply these techniques in a way that will establish lines and degrees of kinship that are irrefutable enough to hold up in court. Because of the legal focus of the profession, many forensic genealogists leverage their expertise to settle estate matters for firms like Kemp & Associates, though some offer their services to individuals seeking family for private reasons.

While the traditional genealogist uses connections between living family members to find ancestral connections, the forensic genealogist does the opposite. He or she examines public and organizational records as well as a variety of other resources, including DNA and photo analysis. Many traditional genealogists do the same, though the forensic genealogist must use methods that a court would recognize as valid.

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